Eye Surgery

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Blepharoplasty (Eye Surgery)

Unlike the actual round structure of your eye that cannot be cosmetically improved, the surrounding eyelid is pliable and perfect for surgical enhancement. The eye and eyelid is the focal point of human interactions, experiencing contacts on all levels every minute of every day. Opting to enhance your appearance with eyelid surgery will yield deeply gratifying results, as it instantly refreshes your face and displays a softer more youthful demeanour.

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery is the process of surgically removing the excess skin curtain from the upper eyelids, and smoothes the bumps under the lower eyelids. The eyelid surgery should in no way affect the eye itself, it should only tighten eyelids and improve tear duct lubrication. There are many variations to this surgery. Not all of them yield the best results – ensure that you have the best plastic surgeon for the job to avoid mishaps.

Where do we cut?

The natural crease in the upper eyelid is perfect for a surgical incision. I simply remove the excess skin, thin muscle and smooth the bump next to your nose, which is also known as medial or nasal fat pad. In some cases other fatty deposits must be corrected, although not too much, as excessive removal results in hollow eyes many years later. The lower eyelid is more challenging, as the force of gravity pulls the excess skin downwards causing dry eyes. The initial assessment is vital and will indicate the exact amount of skin that requires removal. Furthermore, your lower eyelid lacks the natural crease which is found in the upper eyelid. I therefore cut approximately two millimetres below the edge of the eyelashes. This is an intricate operation and requires a trained professional to yield optimal results.

What can you expect?

I advise a full anaesthetic for eye surgery and, in addition to this, I add local anaesthetic once you’re asleep to assist in a pain free awakening. My main aim is to create a more “open” look to your eyes. I also tighten the lower lids to an almond shape, thus re-creating a youthful vigour as well as reducing eye dryness. The healing process for eyelid surgery varies and is dependent on the patient, although the eyelid may heal well with virtually invisible scarring. Eyelid swelling, though, is common in the first few days and the careful use of anti-inflammatories may aid in the reduction of this swelling. The taping and swelling will interfere with your ability to blink, which will cause eye dryness early in the recovery period. Although means liberal early lubrication as necessary, your recovery after eye surgery is otherwise generally smooth and uneventful. Contact us at Chimera 0119076621 for an assessment and advice.

Contact Form


Tel : 011 907 6621
Email: admin@drshaw.co.za

30 Camelford Rd
New Redruth
Alberton, 1449


  • Results are not guaranteed
  • Results may vary from patient to patient
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